Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week 7- Not Too Much Goin' On


Well we haven't started our service learning project because we are waiting for the teacher to tell the exact subjects he wants us to educate the students on. We have a couple of weeks left until we teach so it won't be so bad. I'm a little bit nervous about teaching high school students but I think that since there will be three of us there we will be alright.

We didn't have class this week due to the birth of a baby so there really is not anything to discuss in that area. I can't wait to go over the test so I can see how to improve for the next test. 

I just can't wait for this semester to be over so I can look back at how much we really accomplished. I'm really excited to move forward in the program and learn as much as I can before I get to be a nurse!

So What?

Well the "so what?" on our service learning project is that we actually have one that has not fallen through! So that's exciting, given our past luck. We can get this huge part of our grade done with and stop worrying about it! I swear I have spent more time worrying about hat project than I have spent worrying about every other assignment in all of our classes combined. But it will be over soon and my group will do well. That is my new mantra.

"So what" good is the test review? What a silly question! Test reviews are always useful in learning the professor's teaching and testing style. I will have a better idea of how to study for the next test.

The good part about moving on in the nursing program is being one step closer to my goal! Not to mention being more prepared for that ultimate goal!

Now What?

Now we wait. We wait for the high school teacher to send us the subjects so we can prepare our lesson plans. We wait for the day of our actual teaching (which is still undecided). We wait until we have enough information to write our ten page paper. We wait to prepare our powerpoint presentation. We wait to present our project in our final. We wait for the test review. We wait for the semester to be over. We wait to graduate from the nursing program. We wait for success.

Now we wait.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week 6 - Finally!


We have a service learning project! Our contract is signed and we're ready to start! We're going to be teaching a couple of high school health classes about eating disorders. The teacher will approve the material we prepare and then we just go teach. I think it will be several 80 minute class periods. I'm pretty stoked because I am so stressed out from looking for projects that I would have taken any that come my way.

We didn't have class this week so there's nothing to talk about there. I wasn't too happy with my test score. I will just have to study harder for the next one.

So what?

Now that we have a project to do we can get our experience in service learning. I always thought about what it would be like to be a teacher. I never really considered it because I really did not like k-12 school. I don't know if I just went to bad schools or what. I also really don't like public speaking. I know that it's a little bit different when you're the teacher and you're in charge of the class but then you get everyone complaining at you when they don't like your style of teaching or they don't like the grade they get. I just don't want to deal with it. At least with this project I won't technically be in charge of the class so I'll only have to deal with the public speaking bit.

I was kind of hoping that our service learning project would be in a field that I enjoy or am interested in but since that is not an option this far into the semester I will test out my skills as a teacher. I hope that there will be more opportunities to explore my interests/passions in the future.

Now what?

We're going to have to start gathering our information for the powerpoint and activities we'll be doing in the classes. It seems like it will take a lot of work but we do have 10 hours worth of prep time that we need to fill anyway. Hopefully it doesn't take too much longer than 10 hours because that is already a lot between all of the other coursework we have to do this semester.

We're also going to have to get started on that 10 page paper we have to do along with the service learning. I am not really sure that we'll have enough information to fill up 10 pages worth of writing but it will all work out in the end, I am sure of it.

I always have to remind myself that when all of this hard work is over, I'll be a nurse. That is the most exciting thing of all.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Week 5- Starting From Scratch


Service learning is not turning out like I had hoped. The lady we were coordinating with has stopped emailing me and will not answer when I call her. She won't even let me leave a voicemail, she simply hangs up. I am feeling very frustrated right now. We have to get this project done but it is very hard with everything going on in other classes and when people won't answer their cell phones.

In class we talked about nutrition and obesity. I really enjoyed watching the documentary Fat. I really liked the way it talked about obesity in several different ways. It included the standard "obesity will kill you" and the sad stories about people who are made fun of for the way they look. But it also disspelled some myths about obesity such as "obese people are lazy." The overweight ladies in the dance troupe spent several hours a week engaging in physical activity and the comedian had to work out 3 hours (!) every day just to keep the weight off.

So what?

So now that we feel out of luck on our previous service learning project we must look forward to trying some new project. I tried to contact Volunteer Services at Intermountain Medical Center where I work to see if they have any projects we could work on and add to. But they were closed for today, One of my group members said that she will try to contact her church's youth groups to see if there is anyway we could do some sort of service with them . I hope we can go help them out and teach them something about their health.

I think that in regards to obesity people need to be more open minded. I think that a lot of people believe exercise and eating right will cause everyone to be extremely thin but that is not true at all. Especially as seen by the people in the documentary we watched. Yes, it will help you to lose weight but some people set unrealistic expectations on what they should look like. One of the ladies in the video, I think she was a doctor, said that people come to her and say that they were exercising but they didn't lose any weight so they stopped. The doctor was appalled because losing weight wasn't the goal she had in mind for these patients. The goal was to be healthier.

I had a patient at work the other day who was moderately overweight. In talking to her I found out that she once weighed over 300 lbs and had gastric bypass surgery a few years ago. She said it was the dumbest thing she had ever done. She ended up having major complications and losing her stomach completely. Now she says she eats a healthy diet and she rides 100 mile bike marathons. Her health was evident when I did her vital signs. She was on no medications other than ibuprofen and her blood pressure was in the 100's over 60's and her resting heart rate was in the low 40's. She did not look healthy but apparently she was very healthy.

Now what?

Our service learning project will come somehow, someway. We will have to wait until the weekend is over to really get any sort of headway on that front. I hope for the best. I'm actually kind of glad the hunger banquet thing didn't work out because I don't think we could have turned out a quality project from that.

When it comes to people being overweight I believe that we need to look past appearances and into the actual health of the person. I am not obese but I am a little overweight and I know that when I go to the doctor he will make some comments that will make me feel very uncomfortable. I wonder how he makes people who are obese feel. I have learned that many overweight people put off going to the doctor because of the way they make them feel so the patients are not getting the proper health screenings they need. I hope that as a nurse I can be less judgmental of my patients and actually help them to be healthy instead of pushing them to lose weight.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Week 4 - Possible Project?

This week we made some major headway with our service learning project! I was able to contact someone about working with the Hunger Banquet. It looks like this might be our saving grace. I really hope this one doesn't fall through too. Enough about that, though, I don't want to jinx it. In class today we discussed different age groups (including 'Mother') and how they all have different needs when it comes to healthcare and life in general. At first I thought this lesson was kind of pointless. "Of course we're all different! We talk to people of different age groups everyday!" But then when we got into the lesson I was surprised by how much I didn't know.

So now I guess my job is to take everything that I learned from this lesson, such as adjusting my care to the age and specific needs of my patient, and begin applying it in clinical. I think that providing specific care to each patient's needs won't come over night. It will be something that I have to practice everytime I step into the hospital. This service project is also teaching me a lot about working collaboratively with peers. I think that all of the members of my group were kind of wary to take this project on and I am pretty sure that none of us wanted to be the head of making sure things got done. One of my classmates actually found and suggested the service learning project and she was going to be the one to contact them but that didn't work out so it kind of fell into my lap. So for now it is up to me to get this project organized. I think that this is good because it is helping me to learn how to be responsible for a group.

Learning how to communicate with different demographics will help me in my nursing career because even if I specialize and work with one group of people I will always have to deal with my patient's family and I am sure that knowing how to communicate with them and fulfilling their needs will make me a better nurse. Every day I am scared yet excited to be a nurse. Working with my group to get this project done will help me with my leadership and my following skills when I become a nurse. I know that right now the organizing of the project is on my shoulders but I am pretty sure that one of my group members will step up and take charge of thr information we are going to distribute. From what I have seen as a CNA in the hospital nurses are constantly transitioning from positions of leadership to positions of following. One day a nurse will be the charge nurse and the next day she will just be on the working the floor under a different charge. It is interesting to see the change in the nurse's behavior from one role to the next. I hope that this project can help me as I become a nurse and take on these roles.

Sometimes I find myself freaking out because I don't know what a med does or because I can't remember the treatment for an illness. But I have to keep reminding myself that I am only in my second semester of nursing school. If I knew all of the things that I am freaking out about then I would already be a nurse. Then I get excited about nursing again.

I am still not sure why we watched Hoarders.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I Forgot Week Three!

I have been worrying about the Common Disorders test so much that I totally forgot to post for week 3! It's alright though, I'm doing it now. I am still in limbo about our group project. We got rejected at one place and have been unable to find another project so far. We may need to ask for an extension. I think one of my partners has found one that we may be able to do. It sounds fun too! This is definitely teaching me patience and persistence. This semester is by far harder than last semester! I always get really stressed about deadlines and projects and other fun school things. I am looking forward to doing this project I just hope that we can figure it all out before the deadline.

So I don't really have a lot to say about the service learning project other than I hope we can figure one out really soon. I suppose because we are having trouble finding a project then my topic of the day will be stress. Stress has always been a big issue for me. It helps me to get stuff done but it also has cause a few negative effects on my body. I used to suffer from TMJ and recurrent tension headaches related to stress. But by putting myself into stressful situations and by learning good coping skills I have completely gotten rid of my TMJ and headaches are only happening a couple times a month. Those I can definitely deal with . I also think that because stress of the unknown is a problem for me that it would be useful to find a way to specialize in my nursing career. I know that when I am really familiar with something then I have way less stress about it. So hopefully I can learn all I can about one subject and use it to the benefit of my patients.

I am learning how to better deal with my stress. I owe a big chunk of reduced stress to family and friends but also to experience. That is something I hope that (experience) nursing school can give me so that when I am feeling stressed out in my career I can easily cope with it. Also I think that specializing like I mentioned before will be a big help to me. This week my goal for reducing stress is to find a good service learning project and to remember to post for my health promotions class by the deadline!