Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I Forgot Week Three!

I have been worrying about the Common Disorders test so much that I totally forgot to post for week 3! It's alright though, I'm doing it now. I am still in limbo about our group project. We got rejected at one place and have been unable to find another project so far. We may need to ask for an extension. I think one of my partners has found one that we may be able to do. It sounds fun too! This is definitely teaching me patience and persistence. This semester is by far harder than last semester! I always get really stressed about deadlines and projects and other fun school things. I am looking forward to doing this project I just hope that we can figure it all out before the deadline.

So I don't really have a lot to say about the service learning project other than I hope we can figure one out really soon. I suppose because we are having trouble finding a project then my topic of the day will be stress. Stress has always been a big issue for me. It helps me to get stuff done but it also has cause a few negative effects on my body. I used to suffer from TMJ and recurrent tension headaches related to stress. But by putting myself into stressful situations and by learning good coping skills I have completely gotten rid of my TMJ and headaches are only happening a couple times a month. Those I can definitely deal with . I also think that because stress of the unknown is a problem for me that it would be useful to find a way to specialize in my nursing career. I know that when I am really familiar with something then I have way less stress about it. So hopefully I can learn all I can about one subject and use it to the benefit of my patients.

I am learning how to better deal with my stress. I owe a big chunk of reduced stress to family and friends but also to experience. That is something I hope that (experience) nursing school can give me so that when I am feeling stressed out in my career I can easily cope with it. Also I think that specializing like I mentioned before will be a big help to me. This week my goal for reducing stress is to find a good service learning project and to remember to post for my health promotions class by the deadline!

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