Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week 7- Not Too Much Goin' On


Well we haven't started our service learning project because we are waiting for the teacher to tell the exact subjects he wants us to educate the students on. We have a couple of weeks left until we teach so it won't be so bad. I'm a little bit nervous about teaching high school students but I think that since there will be three of us there we will be alright.

We didn't have class this week due to the birth of a baby so there really is not anything to discuss in that area. I can't wait to go over the test so I can see how to improve for the next test. 

I just can't wait for this semester to be over so I can look back at how much we really accomplished. I'm really excited to move forward in the program and learn as much as I can before I get to be a nurse!

So What?

Well the "so what?" on our service learning project is that we actually have one that has not fallen through! So that's exciting, given our past luck. We can get this huge part of our grade done with and stop worrying about it! I swear I have spent more time worrying about hat project than I have spent worrying about every other assignment in all of our classes combined. But it will be over soon and my group will do well. That is my new mantra.

"So what" good is the test review? What a silly question! Test reviews are always useful in learning the professor's teaching and testing style. I will have a better idea of how to study for the next test.

The good part about moving on in the nursing program is being one step closer to my goal! Not to mention being more prepared for that ultimate goal!

Now What?

Now we wait. We wait for the high school teacher to send us the subjects so we can prepare our lesson plans. We wait for the day of our actual teaching (which is still undecided). We wait until we have enough information to write our ten page paper. We wait to prepare our powerpoint presentation. We wait to present our project in our final. We wait for the test review. We wait for the semester to be over. We wait to graduate from the nursing program. We wait for success.

Now we wait.

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