Thursday, February 3, 2011

Week 4 - Possible Project?

This week we made some major headway with our service learning project! I was able to contact someone about working with the Hunger Banquet. It looks like this might be our saving grace. I really hope this one doesn't fall through too. Enough about that, though, I don't want to jinx it. In class today we discussed different age groups (including 'Mother') and how they all have different needs when it comes to healthcare and life in general. At first I thought this lesson was kind of pointless. "Of course we're all different! We talk to people of different age groups everyday!" But then when we got into the lesson I was surprised by how much I didn't know.

So now I guess my job is to take everything that I learned from this lesson, such as adjusting my care to the age and specific needs of my patient, and begin applying it in clinical. I think that providing specific care to each patient's needs won't come over night. It will be something that I have to practice everytime I step into the hospital. This service project is also teaching me a lot about working collaboratively with peers. I think that all of the members of my group were kind of wary to take this project on and I am pretty sure that none of us wanted to be the head of making sure things got done. One of my classmates actually found and suggested the service learning project and she was going to be the one to contact them but that didn't work out so it kind of fell into my lap. So for now it is up to me to get this project organized. I think that this is good because it is helping me to learn how to be responsible for a group.

Learning how to communicate with different demographics will help me in my nursing career because even if I specialize and work with one group of people I will always have to deal with my patient's family and I am sure that knowing how to communicate with them and fulfilling their needs will make me a better nurse. Every day I am scared yet excited to be a nurse. Working with my group to get this project done will help me with my leadership and my following skills when I become a nurse. I know that right now the organizing of the project is on my shoulders but I am pretty sure that one of my group members will step up and take charge of thr information we are going to distribute. From what I have seen as a CNA in the hospital nurses are constantly transitioning from positions of leadership to positions of following. One day a nurse will be the charge nurse and the next day she will just be on the working the floor under a different charge. It is interesting to see the change in the nurse's behavior from one role to the next. I hope that this project can help me as I become a nurse and take on these roles.

Sometimes I find myself freaking out because I don't know what a med does or because I can't remember the treatment for an illness. But I have to keep reminding myself that I am only in my second semester of nursing school. If I knew all of the things that I am freaking out about then I would already be a nurse. Then I get excited about nursing again.

I am still not sure why we watched Hoarders.

1 comment:

  1. We watched hoarders because we had talked about that in relationship to stress in the previous class.

    At any rate, you are doing a good job with your blogs.

